5 Daily Practices To Alter Your Self Image To Step Into Your CEO Identity


Do you pay attention to the thoughts that go through your mind? 

Do you view yourself in a positive or negative way?

How often do you compliment yourself?

If you see yourself as worthless, stupid, ugly, or whatever negative word you can think of, it’s TRUE.

If you see yourself as worthy, successful, confident, wealthy, and loving, it’s TRUE!

Never underestimate the power of your thoughts and your words. When you alter your self image, you alter the external circumstances in your life.

In this episode of Unleash Your Ambition Podcast, I share five daily practices to alter your self image to upgrade your state of mind, and step into your CEO identity.


What Every Adult and Child Ought to Know About Self-Image (Proctor Gallagher Institute)


Chill Wave & Funkorama by Kevin MacLeod


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PodcastStacie Walker