Confident Women Rise And Unlock What's Inside You

Confident Women Rise And Unlock What's Inside You with Stacie Walker PPL IG.jpg

I have a special edition episode for you today because there’s a transformational virtual event happening soon. If it’s something that aligns with you, then I don’t want you to miss out.

I have listeners from all over the world who have different faiths and have their own unique experiences when it comes to spirituality. And I respect and welcome them all.

I mention this because I had a guest on the podcast by the name of Doreen Reid.  We had a conversation about the journey to being a confident woman.

Since featuring Doreen on the podcast, we’ve formed a very special partnership.

I’m currently a sponsor for her virtual event known as the Leaders Rising™: The Confident Woman World Tour. If you decide to register, be sure to use the code: stacie2021

This tour is to raise awareness for the book, Confident Women Rise.

The reason I became a sponsor and have a strategic partnership with Doreen is because I truly admire her ability to use her unique gifts and experiences to help other women rise above circumstances that aren’t serving them, empowers them to share their stories, and she motivates them to live a better quality of life.

The second reason is because we’re not supposed to embark on our life journey all alone to experience true happiness, abundance, freedom and anything else our heart desires.

That’s why I’m a firm believer and practitioner of using the power of collaboration in my business and life. When it comes to collaboration, everybody involved wins.

If your intention is to do great things in life and help other people along the way, then it’s crucial to develop strong bonds with people who are interesting, successful, generous, ambitious, and already doing great things in life and helping other people along the way.

For this special edition of the Unleash Your Ambition Podcast, I’m introducing you to four co-authors from Confident Women Rise and what empowered them to publicly share their stories.

Robin Hughes and I have a conversation about sharing your story to throw out a lifeline to others. (5:39)

Jo'Hanna D Samuel and I have a conversation about going beyond the outer beauty.  (7:58)

Kim Janha and I have a conversation about serving those dear hearts who have accepted the responsibility to care for the children of their kin. (12:41)

Gloria Walton and I have a conversation about helping women to reset by revisiting the vision God has given them. (15:28)

For this special edition of the Unleash Your Ambition Podcast, I introduce you to four co-authors from Confident Women Rise and what empowered them to share their stories.


Episode 009: The Journey To Being A Confident Woman

Leaders Rising™: The Confident Woman World Tour (use the code: stacie2021)

Doreen Lettsome Reid: Founder of The Confident Woman Incubator

Robin Hughes

Jo'Hanna D Samuel

Kim Janha

Gloria Walton


Chill Wave & Funkorama by Kevin MacLeod


New episodes are released twice a week. Are you subscribed to the show?  Click here to subscribe in iTunes.

If you enjoy the show, please leave a review on iTunes, too.


The Unleash Your Ambition Society™ is a free community for the driven entrepreneur who desires to expand their online coaching, consulting or healing business to 6 figures and beyond.

Being a part of this heart centered community will activate you to:

  • Unlock even more of your greatness.

  • Monetize your unique gifts and transform people's lives.

  • Step into your wealthy CEO identity.

  • Design a self-sustaining business that gives you financial freedom and time freedom.

If you're absolutely serious about building a thriving business that allows you to live an incredible life, then you’re invited join our Facebook group.

Always remember,

You deserve happiness, abundance, freedom, wealth, and anything else you desire.

With lots of love & gratitude,

Stacie Walker

Meet the Woman Behind Unleash Your Ambition Podcast

Hi! My name is Stacie Walker.

I'm a Digital Marketing Expert, Business Strategist, International Best Selling Author, Award-winning Podcast Personality and the founder of Unleash Your Ambition LLC.

For over a decade, I've helped women entrepreneurs become energetically aligned with how they build an audience, sell their offers, share their message to expand their businesses to 6 figures and beyond.

PodcastStacie Walker