Rewriting Your Money Story: How Identity Shapes Your Income featuring Scarlett Stanhope
Money is something that everyone deals with and it’s a very important piece in unleashing your ambition and stepping into your vision.
When it comes to money, a lot of people believe success is all about strategies and tactics. And while those things matter, the most powerful shifts happen when you start seeing yourself differently.
Think about it: If deep down, you believe you’re “not the kind of person” who makes a lot of money, has high-paying clients, or builds a wildly successful business, your subconscious will find ways to make sure that belief stays true.
But when you begin to see yourself as a wealthy, successful, and impactful person, your actions naturally align with that vision.
My co-host for this episode is Scarlett Stanhope. We have a conversation about rewriting your money story and bringing in a new perspective on money.
Scarlett is an abundance coach. She helps coaches and entrepreneurs change their relationship with money and learn to manage their money so they can support themselves with the work they love and confidently live their best lives.
In this episode, Scarlett shares invaluable insights about:
The number one key to breaking through and creating financial abundance.
The biggest identity blocks or beliefs that may be holding you back from financial success
The best place for you to start when it’s challenging for you to imagine yourself as the person who creates financial abundance
What I really admire about Scarlett is that she uses a combination of tangible money management strategies as well as a variety of coaching techniques to help her clients transform their mindset and relationship to money.
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Free Resource: 30 minute Abundance Activation Session
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